Uniquely JDP

Top Notch Service. Accurate. Fast. Flexible.

Top Notch Service

Don’t settle for anything less than Top Notch Service. While other companies claim to have great service, we prove it. With a 100% U.S. based team, lightning fast response times (we’re talking 5 minutes or less during normal business hours) and a dedication to completely resolving your questions, you’ll always feel like you’re our most important client — because you are.

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If it’s not 100% accurate, it’s 0% useful. That’s why we only deliver verified, FCRA-compliant criminal record data in our background checks. Our researchers confirm the validity of all of our data before sharing it with you, so you and your candidates will rarely need to worry about false-positives or dealing with disputes.

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Fast Turn-Around

When your hiring decision depends on the results of a background check, time has a way of slowing down. That’s why we always go full speed ahead to get you results fast. We continually optimize processes and procedures to speed things up without sacrificing accuracy, so you can start counting down the minutes until you can say, “you’re hired.”

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Flexibility & Scalability

We might be afraid of bad hiring decisions, but we’re not afraid of change. Need to switch up your screening services often? No problem — we make it quick and easy. Have busy seasons with sharp increases in volume? Bring it on. We’re happy to adapt to changes in your hiring processes.

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