Little League Background Checks

Ensure Safety for Everyone in Your League

Easily Screen Your League Coaches and Volunteers

Important Notice on Background Checks for Little Leagues

Sex offender registry data in a few states is obtained through a Name-Only-Search and uses no other identifiers such as date of birth and/or social security number. It is very important to notify all volunteers that if a criminal record is identified in any of these states that use Name-Only-Searches, that person will receive a report from JDP showing that his/her name was identified on a criminal record. Please note, this may or may not be the person for whom the league is conducting a background check.

Little League International has contracted with JDP to provide local leagues with a special Internet site that allows members to search a criminal records database of more than 450 million criminal records – instantly.

The JDP National Criminal File Database contains more than 450 million records which include criminal records and sex offender registry records across 50 states and the District of Columbia. The JDP National Criminal File also contains government databases such and Office or Foreign Asset Control and other Federal databases. Click here to see a list of the states covered.

In order to assist District Administrators and local leagues, Little League International has teamed up with JDP; to provide each District Administrator and chartered U.S. league with 125 free searches. Also, any additional searches above 125 that may be necessary for each District or league will be available at a minimal cost. Reminder: JDP will reset your 125 free criminal background checks on October 1st of each year.

Effective in 2017, the local league must conduct a nationwide background check that accesses background checks records for sex offender registry data and other criminal records. A check conducted only in one state does not meet the minimum requirements of the regulations.

Some states have enacted laws that require additional background check requirements that are separate to those mandated by Little League. For additional information on state requirements, visit

Non-US Citizen Check (without a Social Security Number) contact JDP Customer Service at (855) 940-3232. Additional costs will apply.

JDP has partnered with Sports Connect to allow for the registration and initiation of background checks directly through the Sports Connect platform. This partnership and integration eliminates the need for volunteers to duplicate data entry during the JDP QuickApp process.

If you have already registered, log in above. If you have not registered, use the registration link above. (Registration requires the use of the League ID Number, which is only available from the Local League President.)

Note: A letter, which includes a copy of the completed background screening report & Summary of Rights, will be sent to every volunteer where a criminal record from the public records database is reported to your local Little League. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you must obtain authorization from the applicant before performing a background check. Failure to comply with FCRA requirements imposes civil liability.

Contact Client Services

(855) 940-3232
Client Service Hours:
Monday – Friday
7:30am – 9:00pm EST

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Video: Direct Batch Order Template Instructions

Video: QuickApp Order Template Instructions

Video: Volunteer QuickApp

Video: How To View a Flagged Report

Video: How To View a LL Application